While you shop to your hearts content from your favorite brands, it offers you a special shopping credit limit and the opportunity to pay in installments without a card.You can get Zip by going to MediaMarkt, Vestel, Taç, Linens, Karaca, Gürgençler and Getmobil stores or by filling out your information from the mobile application. You can easily use your Zip limit for your shopping with the installment opportunity of up to 36 months. Let your needs be yours with Zip!Via the Zip mobile application;You can explore Zip features with the application tour,You can shop with your Zip limit through contracted brands,You can spend fuel whenever you need it,You can pay with QR code,You can access all the details of your expenses,You can make your payments via credit card/debit card or money transfer/EFT,You can pay your advance expenses in installments,You can see the details of your payment information,You can view the payment plan,You can edit your personal information, registered cards and communication settings under your profile.We continue to improve our application in line with your feedback and work hard to improve the user experience. You can send us any comments and suggestions via our support line at 0 850 20 20 947.